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Here’s Why More Women Are Freezing Their Eggs
why more women are freezing their eggs

Did you know women’s eggs have an expiration date? In fact, women who menstruate may lose about 1,000 of their eggs each month, which might be why more women are freezing their eggs these days.

Thanks to decades of research and reproductive medicine, women can now freeze their eggs to extend their fertility. In 2019, more than 36,000 women in the U.S. froze their eggs. And that number of women has significantly risen each year since. 

But it turns out there’s more to it than just preserving a woman’s fertility. Freezing eggs is becoming a “social” trend instead of historically being medically focused. We’ve dug deep into why more women are freezing their eggs–keep reading for all the information!

Reasons Why More Women Are Freezing Their Eggs

Egg freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, used to be mostly for medical reasons like cancer treatment, autoimmune diseases, and endometriosis. But nowadays, more women are choosing social egg-freezing for various personal reasons. Here’s why egg freezing is becoming a popular option for women.

You haven’t found the right partner

Finding the right partner to start a family with is a big decision. Many women know they want a family but just haven’t met the right person yet. Egg freezing offers peace of mind, allowing them to preserve their eggs while they continue their search.

You want to focus on your career

For many women, establishing a career before starting a family is important. They might want to achieve certain job titles or career goals first. Egg freezing lets them delay parenthood until they feel ready. This is also true for women who have children young and want to climb the professional ladder before having more kids.

You’re Unsure If You Want Kids (or more)

Some women aren’t sure if they want children, or more children if they already have some. With the biological clock ticking, freezing eggs takes the pressure off deciding right away, keeping their reproductive options open for the future.

You want to be financially stable

Financial stability is crucial when planning to raise children. Freezing eggs allows women to work toward their financial goals first, like buying a house, saving money, or paying off loans, before starting a family.

The Egg Freezing Process

Freezing your eggs takes a bit of preparation and consists of multiple steps. In totality, the process from start to freeze takes a couple of weeks. Seem a little longer than expected? That’s because time, preparation, and patience is the key to retrieving healthy eggs. The egg-freezing process consists of five steps, according to the experts at Johns Hopkins Health System.

1. Hormone injections

This initial phase focuses on getting the body to produce a healthy batch of eggs. To do this, women have to self-inject themselves with two to three hormones each day for 10 to 12 days. These hormones stimulate a woman’s ovaries to produce multiple eggs, rather than just one naturally per menstrual cycle. 

2. Ultrasounds

During these hormone injections, doctors want to track the development of your eggs to see how they are progressing. During this period, you can expect four to six ultrasounds, blood work, and frequent check-ups. 

3. Egg retrieval

Once the ultrasounds and blood work results show your eggs are mature, it’s time to collect them. This involves an ultrasound-guided surgical procedure under anesthesia to carefully retrieve the eggs. The process normally takes between 20 and 30 minutes.

4. Egg examination

An embryologist, or trained doctor that examines female eggs, will verify the eggs are mature enough and have the potential to become successfully fertilized at a later date.

5. Vitrification

The fertility specialist will take healthy mature eggs and start them through a process called vitrification–a method of putting eggs into a quick deep freeze. Once they are fully frozen, they’re stored in liquid nitrogen tanks in an embryology lab until they are ready to be fertilized with a partner’s or a donor’s sperm which is done in vitro fertilization–or a laboratory dish.

How long do frozen eggs last?

Your eggs can essentially last indefinitely while frozen. However, most women typically use their eggs 5 to 10 years after freezing. A fertility center in Texas noted that babies have even been born from eggs that were frozen for more than a decade. The time frame is really a personal preference!

Success Rates of Egg Freezing

On average, women who thaw more than 20 mature eggs have a 58 percent chance of live birth. It’s also important to note that the younger a woman’s age is at freezing time, the more of a chance they have of successfully reaching birth. SO Women who freeze their eggs under 38 years old typically achieve a 70 percent live birth rate. Plus, the success rate remains unchanged regardless of how long the frozen egg storage time is.

Egg Freezing Considerations

When it comes to deciding to freeze your eggs, there are some considerations. Taking the time to thoroughly think through these factors will ensure you’re making an informed and well-prepared decision.

Your age

Age is one of the most important factors when it comes to freezing your eggs. The older you get, the lower the chances of finding healthy eggs for fertilization become. Doctors at Johns Hopkins Fertility Center note that women who freeze their eggs before age 40 have a higher chance of achieving pregnancy. But the golden age range for freezing eggs is usually between 32 and 38 years old–this is when it seems the most logical and balanced according to The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

Potential Side Effects of Egg Freezing

It’s common for women to experience some mildly uncomfortable side effects from both the injection and retrieval parts of the egg-freezing process. This is why it’s important to know what you can expect before starting. Let’s take a look at each.

Hormone injection side effects:

  • Mood swings
  • Hot flashes
  • Headaches
  • Nausea

Egg retrieval postoperative side effects:

  • Bloating
  • Cramping
  • Mild pain

All of these side effects are very common and are typically not too severe. Most women help these subside with over-the-counter medicine, heating pads, and warm baths. Your fertility doctor will help you find any relief you need.

More Egg Freezing Side Effects and Considerations

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)

OHSS is one of the more serious side effects of egg freezing. It happens when the ovaries are overstimulated, leading to severe bloating, nausea, vomiting, and in rare cases, blood clots or kidney problems. While most cases are mild, severe OHSS requires medical treatment.

Risks of Egg Retrieval Process

The egg retrieval process is a minor surgical procedure performed under sedation. While it’s generally safe, there can be risks such as bleeding, infection, or damage to the woman’s ovaries. It’s essential to discuss these risks with a fertility specialist before proceeding.

Impact on Future Fertility

While egg freezing aims to preserve future fertility, it’s not a guaranteed success. The number of mature eggs retrieved and their quality can affect the success rates of future in vitro fertilization (IVF) attempts. Fertility specialists often recommend freezing eggs in the early 30s to ensure better egg quality and higher success rates for future use.

Storage and Maintenance

Once the eggs are frozen, they are stored in liquid nitrogen. The annual storage fees for maintaining frozen eggs can add up over time, and this cost should be considered when deciding to undergo the egg-freezing process.

Emotional and Psychological Effects

The decision to freeze eggs, especially for single women or those who haven’t found the right partner, can be emotionally taxing. The process can bring up feelings of anxiety or uncertainty about the future. It’s important to have a support system in place and consider counseling if needed.

Financial Considerations

The total cost of egg freezing can be significant. This includes the cost of hormone injections, the egg retrieval process, and the annual storage fees. Some insurance policies may cover part of the cost, but it’s essential to check with your insurance company. Additionally, fertility clinics in the United States may have different pricing structures, so it’s wise to research and compare.

Not only is choosing to freeze your eggs a huge decision, but the expenses are a big factor as well. Below you can see that, at a minimum, you can expect to pay $8,500 just for the procedure and medications. Storage will cost you a bit extra, at about $750 on average each year.  

Costs of Egg Freezing

The costs of egg freezing can be quite significant. Although prices can vary based on your location, here’s a breakdown of all the expenses you can expect from freezing eggs, according to New Hope Fertility Clinic in New York City.

  • Egg freezing procedure: $4,500 to $8,000
  • Hormone injections: $4,000 to $6,000
  • Egg storage fees: $500 to $1,000 per year

Does insurance cover egg freezing?

This is a common question most fertility clinics receive. And here’s the answer: your typical health insurance normally doesn’t cover egg freezing–especially if it’s not considered medically necessary. However, more businesses these days are opting to add extra benefits for their employees to help with egg-freezing costs. This is based on preference and is optional for each employer to offer.

Why Egg Freezing May Still Be a Good Option

Despite these side effects, many women see egg freezing as a good option for fertility preservation. It allows women to delay childbirth until they are ready, whether that’s due to focusing on their careers, waiting for the right partner, or other personal reasons. Advances in reproductive medicine have made the egg-freezing process more accessible and effective, offering women more reproductive options.

If you’re considering egg freezing, consult with a fertility doctor or reproductive endocrinologist to understand the process, potential side effects, and whether you’re a good candidate for this fertility treatment. They can provide valuable insights and help you make an informed decision about your reproductive health and future fertility.

The Rise of Egg Freezing

More women are focusing on their careers, waiting to find the right partner, and putting a priority on finances these days. And with today’s scientific advances, it’s no surprise more and more women are opting to freeze their eggs so they can make these big decisions later. 

Every woman’s journey is unique and there are no right or wrong answers. The decision to freeze eggs is a deeply personal one. So when it comes to family planning–or lack thereof–it helps to know all your available options to lessen the external pressures of the world. Learn more about pregnancy and parenthood here.