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What Does A Postpartum Doula Actually Do?  

Welcoming a new life into the world and stepping into motherhood is an exciting, powerful time, but it’s not without its challenges. After spending months preparing for the arrival of your baby and going through childbirth, the “fourth trimester” begins (the first 12 weeks postpartum).  It can be overwhelming to navigate your new role as the mother of an infant, especially as your body is still recovering, which is why a postpartum doula can be incredibly helpful during this time. According to the International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA), a postpartum doula is someone who provides physical, emotional, and informational support to a woman and her family during the postpartum period. While a birth doula assists with the birthing process, a postpartum doula steps in once birth has already happened (though sometimes this role can be fulfilled by the same person). In this article, we’ll walk you through how a postpartum doula can offer you and your family members postpartum support, the average cost of hiring one, and what to ask when meeting with potential doulas, so you can make a decision that feels right for you. Postpartum Doula Responsibilities  “A postpartum doula is a trained support person offering families guidance, nutrition, education, confidence, information, and physical/emotional support,” says Sarah Barnett, postpartum and infant care doula. “The role of a postpartum doula is to provide in-home visits that create an environment of nurturing, healing and encouragement for families during the postpartum phase.” The ICEA identified 11 domains of postpartum care that postpartum doulas can assist with. They include: What does this professional support look like in practice? Barnett says it can take many forms, including hands-on assistance with infant feeding, teaching, and providing infant care such as bathing, changing, and soothing, and practical household assistance such as laundry, nourishing meal or snack prep, and light cleaning. Additionally, a doula can support a new mom’s emotional and physical recovery from birth by sharing evidenced based information about postpartum recovery and referrals to appropriate healthcare providers, Barnett says.  How much time a postpartum doula spends with a family varies depending on the family’s needs and preferences. You might employ one for only one or two visits, or have them come regularly over your first three months postpartum. Doulas can work daytime shifts, overnight shifts, or some combination.  Postpartum Doula Benefits  About 1 in 8 women experience postpartum depression, and a postpartum doula can be a supportive presence while you’re at risk by providing critical, practical, and emotional support. If you do start to show early signs of depression, a postpartum doula can identify these and help you get the support you need. “A doula is your nonjudgmental guide to navigating life with a new baby or babies,” says Barnett. “[They] offer strength and an understanding of the lonely work you are doing.” A postpartum doula can also help both parents develop a sense of self-confidence as they navigate their new roles. By offering skills and strategies to help you bond with your baby, you can grow more confident in your parenting abilities. Additionally, while research is limited, at least one study has shown the positive effects a postpartum doula’s support can have on successful breastfeeding.  At its best, a relationship with a postpartum doula offers you an extra set of hands, practical information about infant care and recovering from birth, and emotional support that can help you prioritize your own mental health. Some people describe a postpartum doula’s role as “mothering the mother”.  “It’s the attuned care that leaves you feeling lighter on the inside,” says Barnett. What Does a Postpartum Doula NOT Do? A postpartum doula is not a medical professional, so they should not offer medical advice or provide any medical care or procedures. They should also not act as a therapist or psychiatrist and attempt to treat depression. Additionally, a postpartum doula does not prescribe a specific parenting approach. They should offer unbiased, evidence-based information, and always leave parenting decisions up to the parents themselves. They should never speak for the parents or child, or come between the family and other professionals.  If you find yourself working with a postpartum doula who seems to be overstepping these boundaries, it’s a sign to reassess the relationship and potentially part ways. A skilled, experienced postpartum doula understands the limitations of their work and respects their scope. Average Cost of Postpartum Doulas The International Doula Institute reports that postpartum doulas charge anywhere from $25-$65 per hour, with higher prices found in bigger cities where the cost of living is higher. “Some doulas offer discounts if you book them for a certain amount of hours if you pay in advance or if they are newly trained,” says Barnett. Selecting a Postpartum Doula If you’re interested in finding a postpartum doula, Barnett suggests trying to find one through word-of-mouth referrals from friends, midwives, or healthcare professionals. If this isn’t possible, you can also search for one through online databases like DoulaMatch and DONA International. In your initial conversations with a potential postpartum doula, take the time to get to know them and their background. Ask about their training, certification, and experience. Speaking to a few references the doula has worked with in the past could also give you some peace of mind. In addition to assessing their qualifications, when meeting with a potential postpartum doula you’re also assessing the relationship fit. Ask about their doula philosophy and style, and pay attention to how easily communication flows between the two of you. You want to make sure you have a baseline of rapport before inviting them into your home during such a monumental transition. “A doula enters your life at such a vulnerable time so it’s important to feel safe and connect with them,” says Barnett. Should You Hire a Postpartum Doula? So, should you get help from a postpartum doula during your “fourth trimester”? Ultimately, this is a question you and your family will have to answer together, based on your preferences, needs, and

The Most Creative After-School Activities for Kids Ages 6-12

Ready to never hear the phrase “I’m bored” ever again? Finding fun activities for your kids to do after school can be tough. Not only is it time-consuming, but it can also be overwhelming. But you’d love to find activities that light up your little one’s creativity and cognitive abilities rather than having them sit and play video games for hours. Check out this roundup of the most creative after-school activities for ages 6-12. There’s something here for elementary students all through middle school. P.S. You’re going to want to bookmark this page. 1. Marble Run Ah, the wonders of DIY easy activities for kids. Something as simple as rolling marbles down a makeshift track can bring kids so much joy. But it’s not just about the entertainment factor. This critical thinking activity also sparks imagination and problem-solving skills in children. As they design their maze-like structures using nothing but tape and recycled toilet paper rolls, they learn about gravity and momentum–a little physics homework help. Plus, doing this activity with other kids or siblings and learning to work together will build your little one’s social skills and emotional development. Materials Needed: Learn more on TinkerLab 2. Marshmallow Toothpick Building This seemingly simple activity is a fantastic way to unleash your child’s creativity and keep them entertained for hours. Can we pause and appreciate the versatility of marshmallows? These squishy little treats are like edible building blocks just waiting to be transformed into architectural masterpieces. Whether your child wants to construct a towering skyscraper or a wobbly bridge that defies the laws of physics, marshmallows are up for the challenge. Let your kids of all ages have fun being marshmallow architects! Materials Needed: Learn more on Play Teach Repeat 3. Galaxy Jars Looking for a stellar activity to keep your little ones entertained when there’s no afterschool program? Look no further than this DIY galaxy jar! This hands-on project is not only a fun way to unleash creativity, but it also teaches your kids about the wonders of the universe. Plus, you’ll have an excuse to break out the glitter without worrying too much about it getting absolutely everywhere (well, maybe just a little). Your kids are sure to have an out-of-this-world crafting adventure with this unique idea. Materials Needed: Learn more on Mom Dot 4. Popsicle Stick Bird Feeder Having your kids create popsicle stick bird feeders is not only a fun activity, but it’s also a treat for your local feathered friends. And the fun doesn’t stop after the craft–your kids will want to sit and watch the birds flock to their feeder for hours.  Materials Needed: Learn more on Made With Happy 5. Pom Pom Cannons Get ready for fluffy projectiles flying across the room–at least they won’t break anything! This after-school activity is not only ridiculously fun but also a great way to keep those little ones entertained and unleash their inner inventors. From building their cannons to launching their fluffy ammo, every aspect is a learning moment. Materials Needed: Learn more on Little Bins for Little Hands 6. Paper Plate Kite Who knew you could make a kite from a paper plate? Keep your kids entertained and busy after school for hours while you have them create their own flying kites. The best part of this activity is having your kids decorate it and watching their faces light up when they see their masterpiece soar through the sky. Materials Needed: Learn more on The Country Chic Cottage 7. Squirt Gun Painting Forget the traditional paint brushes your kids have to use in art class or creative private lessons, and get ready for some splashy colorful chaos. This activity is like painting meets a water fight, and you best believe the results are guaranteed to be as unique as a Picasso. Materials Needed: Learn more on Fireflies & Mud Pies 8. Ice Cream in a Bag This creative activity is a win-win situation. Not only do your little ones get to have fun, but they also get to enjoy a delicious homemade treat afterward. This is sure to pique a child’s interest. Gather your little chefs and get ready for an icy activity filled with giggles and sweetness. Materials Needed: Learn more on Growing a Jeweled Rose 9. Stained Glass Sidewalk Chalk An after-school activity can be simple yet still entertain your kids for hours. All you need is two materials (that you probably already have at home): painter’s tape and sidewalk chalk. Have your kids go nuts taping their triangle formations and filling in the areas with different colors. The final design is sure to be a masterpiece–one the entire neighborhood will stop and stare at. Materials Needed: Learn more on Your Modern Family 10. Giant Floor Maze It’s like a regular maze, but super-sized and perfect for little ones with big imaginations. Your kid will navigate through twists, turns, and dead ends trying to find their way out. Not only will they think it’s fun, but they’ll develop problem-solving and necessary life skills as they strategize their way out of your homemade labyrinth. You can even step the learning up a notch and build math skills by involving your kids in measuring the maze out with you. This will fully check your box for finding perfect enrichment activities. Materials Needed: Learn more on Craftivity Designs 11. Giant Nail Salon Bring the glitz and glamor of a nail salon right into your living room. Not only is this activity incredibly entertaining, but it also helps develop fine motor skills as they carefully paint each nail. Plus, it’s a great way to encourage creativity and self-expression! Materials Needed: Learn more on Happy Toddler Playtime 12. Sensory Box Guessing Game Have your kids embark on a tactical exploration journey with this DIY sensory box. It’s a simple, yet fun after-school activity for the little ones. Essentially, you just pop two holes in a cardboard box and place a mystery item inside. Kids will go nuts trying

teenager rebelling

Reasons Your Teenager Might Be Rebelling, and How To Deal

Once you’re beyond the terrible twos, many parents think the worst is behind them. The tantrums are suddenly replaced by restful nights, and the rest of your child’s adolescence looks like it will be smooth sailing…  That is until they enter middle school. Teenage rebellion and defiant behavior are hallmarks of child development. And unfortunately, few families are exempt from navigating those tumultuous waters.  Is your teenager rebelling? If so, rest assured that rebellious behavior is usually just a phase, and mood swings play a big role. Keep reading to discover some evidence-based reasons why teenagers rebel, as well as what to do about it.  Why Do Teenagers Rebel?  When you are experiencing a teenager rebelling, it can be very frustrating. Understanding why teens rebel is the first step towards improving the situation. By the time they are raising kids of their own, many people have already forgotten that adolescence is complicated. As children cultivate their sense of self, they face difficult choices about friendship, academics, sexuality, gender, identity, alcohol, drugs, and the like.  Not only that, but major developmental changes happen around the teenage years–causing many young adults to act out as one of the natural consequences:  Mixture of Hormones Throughout puberty, the adolescent brain undergoes a drastic change as it starts pouring out adrenal stress hormones, sex hormones, and growth hormones. Teenage boys, specifically, experience a thirty-fold increase in testosterone production. And that new mixture of hormones causes changes in mood and behavior including aggression, risk-taking behavior, and depression.  Adolescence is characterized by a whirlwind of emotional highs and lows as teenagers grapple with hormonal changes, academic pressures, and interpersonal challenges. The intense emotional turmoil experienced during this period can manifest in rebellious behavior as teenagers struggle to cope with overwhelming feelings of frustration, anger, or sadness. A teenager rebelling may serve as a means of venting pent-up emotions or asserting control over one’s life when faced with internal or external stressors. Brain Development  Many parents don’t realize that major brain development happens throughout the teenage years. Essentially, the prefrontal cortex—which is the region of the brain responsible for judgment, understanding outcomes and consequences, and impulse and emotional control—is developing. (And it doesn’t reach maturation until the mid-20s.) That’s why so many teenagers appear moody, and argumentative and engage in poor decision-making.  However, while the prefrontal cortex is still a work in progress, the nucleus accumbens—AKA the part of the brain responsible for reward and pleasure responses—is fully developed. Therefore, it’s not uncommon for teenagers to engage in pleasure-inducing, risk-taking behavior without considering the consequences.  Social Media  Many studies have linked media exposure to violence, aggressive ideas, actions, and desensitization. Additionally, researchers have found that social media exposure leads to increased bad behavior – including drug and alcohol abuse, sexual activity, and dangerous behaviors. Not only that, but social media creates pressure to conform to certain societal norms and expectations, which often inspires rebellion against authority figures and traditional values.  So, is your teenager rebelling? Social media could very well be to blame. A recent study found that the average 8 to 10-year-old spends nearly 8 hours a day with a variety of different media. The same study found that older children (including teenagers) spend more than 11 hours per day.  While teenage brain development and hormonal changes have always contributed to defiant behavior and rebellion, the growing presence and influence of social media simply exacerbate it.  Desire for Independence During adolescence, teenagers experience a natural inclination towards autonomy and self-sufficiency. This desire for independence is fueled by a growing sense of individuality and a need to assert control over their lives. Teenagers may seek freedom from parental authority as they strive to make their own decisions and carve out their identities in the world. However, this quest for independence can sometimes clash with parental expectations and boundaries, leading to tension and conflict within the family dynamic. Identity Exploration Adolescence is a pivotal period marked by profound changes in self-perception and identity formation. Teenagers embark on a journey of self-discovery, grappling with questions of who they are and who they want to become. This process of identity exploration involves experimenting with different interests, values, and social roles as teens strive to establish a sense of self-identity. While this exploration is essential for personal growth and development, it can also result in a teenager rebelling against parental norms and values as teenagers seek to assert their individuality and authenticity. Peer Influence Peers play a significant role in shaping teenage behavior and attitudes. As adolescents navigate the complexities of social relationships, they often look to their peers for validation, acceptance, and belonging. Peer influence can exert a powerful sway over teenagers, leading them to adopt behaviors and values that may diverge from those of their parents. Whether through peer pressure or a desire to fit in, teenagers may rebel against parental authority in an attempt to align themselves with their peers and establish social status within their peer group. The Impact of Teenage Rebellion on Parent-Teen Relationships Strained Communication Teenage rebellion can severely strain communication between parents and their kids. Since rebellion often arises from a breakdown in understanding or differing perspectives, it can lead to arguments, misunderstandings, and a general lack of open dialogue. Parents may find it challenging to effectively communicate with their rebellious teens because attempts to assert authority or enforce rules may be met with resistance or defiance. This strained communication can create a barrier between parents and teenagers, making it difficult to address underlying issues or work toward reconciliation. Trust Issues Teenage rebellion can erode trust between parents and their adolescents, damaging the foundation of their relationship. When teens engage in rebellious behavior, like lying, sneaking out, or breaking rules, it undermines the trust that parents have in their judgment and integrity. Similarly, parents may struggle to trust their teenagers if they feel their authority is constantly challenged or disregarded. Trust issues can further make conflicts worse and strain the parent-teen bond, leading to feelings of betrayal, resentment, and insecurity on both sides. Emotional Distance

The Power of Conscious Parenting Habits, Plus Tips for Moms

Being mindful of who you are as a parent benefits your child and supports your own mental health and well-being. And that’s precisely why conscious parenting habits are quickly taking the parenting world by storm. If you aren’t already familiar with this parenting style, conscious parenting is a connection-based approach that prioritizes relationships and mental health over parental dominance.  Maggie Holland, MA, MHP, LMHC, tells us that developing conscious parenting habits means focusing on parental mindfulness, self-awareness, and emotional regulation.  “Conscious parents monitor their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to make thoughtful and emotionally-centered decisions when responding to their children,” says Holland. “This parenting philosophy aims to prevent negative parenting patterns by encouraging curiosity and mutual collaboration.” Do you want to learn how to implement conscious parenting habits in your own life? Keep scrolling. Today’s article delves into the benefits of conscious parenting, as well as tips for practicing it on a daily basis for consistent mindful parenting.  What Is Conscious Parenting? Conscious parenting habits encourage parents to become more mindful of their own reactions, self-beliefs, and internalized messages. By recognizing their selfhood, conscious parents are better able to understand how their own physical and mental well-being affects their relationships with their children and their child’s feelings. Additionally, they see beyond behavior and understand the ‘why’ behind their children’s actions.  While some people are under the impression that conscious parenting is permissive parenting, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Conscious parents are well aware of the importance of healthy boundaries. However, they don’t enforce them or lead in an authoritative way. Instead of addressing a child’s behavior at the surface level, conscious parents go one step further and focus on “building a healthy parent-child relationship by remaining self-aware, collaborative, and understanding,” says Holland.  For that reason, conscious parenting requires ample self-reflection, as parents are constantly striving to understand their own learned and genetic behaviors, as well as child development to become a better parent. Benefits of Conscious Parenting One of the most popular benefits of conscious parenting is the fact that it allows children to have a childhood experience that differs from that of their parents. Conscious parents are mindful of how their contributions influence their child’s understanding of themselves. And it benefits in many different ways as a result:  Strengthen the Parent-Child Bond Attachment theory tells us that primary caregivers who are available and responsive to a child’s needs help them develop a sense of security. This style of parenting offers a safe foundation for your child to explore and learn about the world. Additionally, this parenting style lets your child know that they can come to you with the good and the bad (and everything in between), promoting secure attachment.  Create an Emotionally Resilient Child Because conscious parents help their children regulate their emotions as positive role models, they enter adulthood confident in their ability to self-regulate and navigate emotional hurdles. Similarly, children learn by their parent’s example, and parents who notice and regulate their own emotions and their own issues provide their children with a blueprint to do it themselves versus throwing temper tantrums.  Develop Healthy Communication Skills When you’re regularly checking in with your own emotional space, you have a greater ability to talk through and navigate your child’s problems with them. As you can imagine, this routine teaches your young children that you’re someone they can trust–which makes all aspects of parenting much easier.  Combat Stress Numerous studies have revealed the health benefits of mindfulness. And when moms make an effort to parent consciously, they experience lower levels of stress and anxiety, as well as reduced blood pressure.  Foster Mutual Respect Children learn how to behave by watching their parents. And when parents are mindful of their actions, their children tend to follow suit. If a parent speaks in a lowered voice—using thoughtful and respectful language—their child will mimic that behavior. As you can imagine, this forges a relationship that is grounded in mutual respect versus the results from an authoritative parenting style. Conscious Parenting Habits Conscious parenting begins with intentionality and compassion. But from there, where do you go to develop conscious parenting skills? If you’re unsure how to begin conscious parenting, cultivating habits that prioritize the connection you have with your child is the first step to start.  Develop Non-Violent Communication Skills Conflict is a natural, healthy component of human relationships. (And just because you engage in conscious parenting work doesn’t mean it goes away.) However, conscious parents don’t take their anger or resentment out on their children, and they try to avoid passing on any stressors or unresolved trauma.  What does that look like? Well, instead of blaming and shaming, conscious parents display empathy and offer positive discipline techniques. Whenever they make a mistake (because conscious parents are still human, believe it or not), they demonstrate healthy conflict management techniques and utilize effective communication skills.  Here’s an example:  Instead of yelling at your child for spilling their dinner plate, pause, take a breath, and remember that accidents happen. Maybe tell your child that you’re frustrated, but you know it was an accident. Ask them to grab a rag. Then, wipe the mess up together.  Prioritize Your Own Well-Being As we mentioned, conscious parents are attuned to their internal consciousness and prioritize their overall well-being. Doing so ensures they have the emotional capacity to meet their children where they’re at and approach situations with compassion and understanding.  One study suggests that parents with poor health display negative parenting styles and experience increased disruptive behavior from their children. That’s why maintaining your physical and emotional health is a necessary component of a conscious parent.  If you need some inspiration, here are examples of positive habits that conscious parents can start implementing (and role modeling for their children) on a daily basis:  Have Conversations at Your Child’s Level Oftentimes, telling children to do things “because mom said so” only increases conflict and disobedience. That’s why conscious parenting aims to empower children with the ability to express how they feel. And generally, that means including them in conversations about

Understanding “Pregnancy Brain” And What You Can Do About It

Forgetfulness, clumsiness, not being able to stay focused like you used to—if you’re expecting you’re probably experiencing the infamous “pregnancy brain.” Most women are told about morning sickness and fatigue during pregnancy, but not about brain fog and pregnancy. Don’t worry, you’re not going crazy and you are certainly not alone! Pregnancy brain is a common phenomenon many expecting mothers encounter, but usually aren’t fully prepared for. If you’re misplacing your keys or forgetting plans, just know you’re going through something very normal. But what exactly causes these cognitive changes and how can you reduce these little brain blips? Keep reading for the full scoop on pregnancy brain. Understanding Brain Fog and Pregnancy: What Is Pregnancy Brain? Pregnancy brain is a type of brain fog or head cloudiness that expecting women experience.  Things like forgetfulness, poor concentration, and memory problems are very normal during this time. It’s not uncommon for pregnant women to find themselves struggling to complete simple tasks or misplacing everyday items. According to Thaïs Aliabadi, MD, a board-certified OB-GYN, the following are pregnancy brain fog symptoms: While these symptoms can seem concerning to newly expecting moms, it’s important to note that brain fog is a normal part of the pregnancy journey and usually isn’t a sign of long-term cognitive decline. Causes of Pregnancy Brain  Firstly, doctors can’t pinpoint just one thing that causes brain fog in pregnancy. But several factors in play can contribute to pregnancy brain. Let’s take a look at each. When does pregnancy brain start? While pregnancy brain can happen at any point during pregnancy, it typically starts during the first trimester of pregnancy at week 5, continues through the second trimester, and seems to be fully set in by the third trimester of pregnancy at week 31. It will most likely continue throughout your entire pregnancy. Pregnant women are going through tons of physical changes, lack of sleep, and stress, and understandably so – your whole world is changing! When you really think about it, it makes sense that you would experience some mental fogginess while you’re experiencing all of these huge, life-changing things. Does Pregnancy Brain Go Away? The good news is yes, for the majority of women, pregnancy fog will eventually resolve and go away on its own. While it’s different for each mom, brain fog typically lasts two to four months postpartum as your body begins to transition back to its pre-pregnancy state.  It’s important to note that factors such as sleep deprivation and the demands of caring for a newborn can also impact how quickly brain fog will clear up during the postpartum period. That’s why you hear moms talking about “baby brain” and “mommy brain”, because it doesn’t just stop at pregnancy brain. Adjusting to caring for a new baby while getting a lot less rest can make it really hard to concentrate and remember things, and you may find yourself feeling a lot less mentally sharp than you used to. Don’t worry, it’s completely normal. Taking care of yourself is key to bouncing back quicker. But new moms know that’s easier said than done and can fall into patterns that cloud your brain further. Do small things for yourself when you can and don’t be afraid to ask for help. How To Reduce Pregnancy Brain Symptoms Ah, time for some relief. You’ll be happy to know there are certain strategies you can use to reduce pregnancy brain fog and make your days a little smoother. Doctors at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center suggest the following tips for managing brain fog when pregnant: Make lists One effective approach is to utilize to-do lists. Writing down important tasks and reminders as they come up can help alleviate the struggle of trying to remember everything later. By having a visual reference, you can prioritize your responsibilities and help ensure nothing slips through the cracks. Get as much sleep as you can Getting enough rest is critical to combating pregnancy brain. If you’re finding yourself tossing and turning at night and still waking up tired, try adding naps into your day. This extra sleep can help you catch up on the snooze time you missed the night before–leaving your brain feeling more refreshed. Find ways to make your life easier Simplifying your life is another valuable tactic to minimize the impact of pregnancy brain. Try things like streamlining daily routines, delegating tasks, and taking a break from things on your plate. Once you simplify your life, you’ll find it easier to navigate through the days.  Ask for help It’s important to recognize that asking for help is not a sign of weakness but rather an essential part of self-care during pregnancy. This can be really hard for a lot of moms, and understandably so. Don’t be afraid to reach out to loved ones for a helping hand with things like bringing in groceries, walking the dog, or mowing the lawn. By sharing the load, you’ll alleviate stress and allow yourself more mental space to focus on what’s in front of you–or rather the bundle of joy growing inside. Eat a healthy diet While pregnant people and non-pregnant women alike should always aim for a healthy diet, it’s especially important for pregnant and postpartum women. Remember, you’re feeding your cognitive ability, brain function, and energy levels, too. New mothers who are breastfeeding can especially experience the effects of pregnancy brain if they are not fueling their body properly. Don’t worry Chronic stress makes your memory (and pretty much everything else) worse. That’s why reducing anxiety and stress levels is critical in managing pregnancy brain symptoms effectively. Engage in activities that promote relaxation such as prenatal yoga, meditation, or a nice warm bubble bath. Find and prioritize self-care practices that bring you peace and tranquility and be sure to practice them consistently. When you need help, ask for it—so you can have a little more time to yourself.  When To See A Doctor for Brain Fog and Pregnancy While it’s normal to experience forgetfulness and poor concentration during pregnancy, certain signs

10 Unique Ideas for Your Next Summer Family Vacation

It’s on your bucket list to find the perfect family vacation during the Summer months. That’s a big job! Making sure everyone is happy, planning activities for all age groups and most importantly getting some fun in yourself can be a big task. Stop the panicking. We’ve got your back and rounded up the best Summer vacation spots and unique ideas for the entire family. From thrilling theme parks and rustic camping to cruise ships and long road trips, we’ve got the ideas to make your Summer vacation unforgettable. 1. Go to a Theme Park Family vacations are a time to bond and enjoy each other’s company. While there are so many different things you can do, one of the best Summer family vacation ideas is packing up and heading to a theme park. Theme parks are a great place for every age. Whether you and your 10-year-old want to bring out your wild side on a roller coaster, or you’d rather gently play around in a splash zone with your baby, there’s really something for everyone. Theme parks to check out: 2. Take a Trip to a Water Park A nice cool water park is a better place to spend a hot Summer day. It’s also a great option that the whole family can enjoy–no matter the age. Older adults and teenagers can explore the heart-thumping water slides while younger kids and babies can float around in the indoor water park lazy river.  Bonus tip: Book your family water park trip during a weekday and use discount apps like Groupon to find the best deals. Whether it’s a day trip or a weekend trip, a water park is always a good idea. The best water parks: 3. Go Camping Ah, the great outdoors. A nostalgic family trip experience for your kids. If you’re looking to spend more time with your family and less time rushing from one place to another, camping is the perfect way to do it. You can’t beat the natural beauty of open air. Your kids will be busy with outdoor activities and learning everything from bugs to building a campfire. This family vacation idea is a must for your Summer bucket list, and it doesn’t have to be far from home–just a short drive to the nearest campground will do the trick. The best destinations to camp: 4. Visit a National Landmark Why not visit a national landmark and explore the unique history of North America? They are the perfect place for learning! This Summer vacation idea provides an opportunity for families to learn about the country’s past, while also creating memories together. These are the kinds of trips your kids will remember for the rest of their lives–and maybe even ace their history test with. National landmarks to visit: 5. Book a Stay at a Family Resort Does thinking about planning an entire family vacation sound exhausting? Then booking a stay at a family resort will save you the headache. The convenience, easy access and amenities that come with staying at an all inclusive resort rather than having to move from place to place planning every single move is like a breath of fresh air. Family vacations are supposed to be relaxing and fun for parents too, right? Top family resorts in the U.S.: 6. Go Away on a Cruise  Cruises are the most underrated family vacation ideas. Set out to sea with your family on a ship full of fun activities with your favorite people. From all-you-can-eat buffets and relaxing spas to unlimited games for the kids and a tiki bar for parents–cruise ships really have it all. The best part? The itinerary is all planned out for you. Sandy beaches here you come! *Books cruise immediately* Family-friendly cruises: 7. Experience a Famous Park Looking for a truly unique summer family vacation idea? Why not check out the nearest national park! Famous national parks are filled with activities to keep your family entertained and excited. Finding scenic biking trails, watching wildlife, horseback riding, stunning views and being one with nature are a few things you can expect from visiting a famous park.  Parks to visit: 8. Go Hiking Who doesn’t love a family vacation that involves fun, exercise and outdoor adventures? Hiking trips are one of those vacations your family will remember and tell stories about forever. Go old-fashioned by bringing out the map and having your kids lead the way–don’t be surprised if you take a few wrong turns. Half the fun is pretending to be explorers and learning to navigate the trails.  The best hiking spots for families: 9. Head Out on a Road Trip It’s every kid’s birthright to go on a long uncomfortable road trip with the family, right? Choosing this kind of family vacation isn’t the prettiest, but it does make for fun memories. Have a car, camping trailer, or RV? That’s all you need for this family vacation idea. Squish the kids in–it’s time to fuel up and hit the road! Road trip ideas: 10. Travel Abroad There’s nothing like experiencing a different culture, tasting new cuisines, and discovering amazing places. And with so many exciting destinations to choose from, you’re sure to find something that is fun for everyone. Actually planning and getting to your destination is the hardest part, but once you are there it will all be worth it. These are the kinds of vacations that are a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Popular destinations: Life Is Short, Take the Trip You only have a handful of years to go on a Summer family vacation with everyone included. So you want to make sure you’re finding the best ideas that check all the boxes.  Summer vacations like going to national landmarks, famous parks, road-tripping and going abroad are some of the most unique ideas for the family. If you love adventure, travel and everything in between–book the trip, you won’t regret it.

Raising Mentally Strong Kids: 13 Tips for Moms From Real Therapists

Moms are constantly under pressure to do all the right things–including teaching a tiny little human everything they need to know. But if you’ve never raised a kid before, how do you know what’s right and what’s wrong, especially when it comes to raising mentally strong kids? How do you make sure you’re setting them up for success and teaching them the right things? You can relax. All good parents worry. It’s completely normal not to have all the answers. Many moms just like you are only wanting the best for their little ones. And we understand this constant pressure. So we talked with two well-known therapists and got the best tips on how moms can raise mentally strong kids. Let’s get into it.  13 Practical Tips for Raising Mentally Strong Kids We’ve done all the research and read what the experts have to say about raising kids with strong mental muscles, and here we’ve gathered the best ways to ensure you are raising a mentally strong kid: 1. Stress the Positive Laurie Singer, MS, LMFT, BCBA, a licensed marriage and family therapist and board-certified behavior analyst in Camarillo, California, suggests having at least two positive interactions with your child for every non-positive comment. “Instead of saying ‘no’, ‘don’t’ or ‘stop’ (unless it’s clearly behavior that puts you, your child or someone else at risk) try to be a good listener and work towards finding positive praise.”  Praising the positive behavior you want to see more of and ignoring the negative behavior is the goal. You want to take as much focus off the unwanted behavior as you can. “So if a child is complaining about brushing their teeth, we want to praise them when they do,” says Singer. Always harping on the negative without any positive reinforcement can have a negative impact on your kids’ emotions. 2. Use Natural and Logical Consequences Consequences show respect for both you and your child–and should ultimately fit the behavior. You can use consequences to teach your child so much about life. Meagan Turner MA, APC, NCC, a therapist in Atlanta, Georgia, explains that natural consequences are the natural result of a child’s actions. In contrast, logical consequences are ones thought up by the parents. “If your child chooses to leave a toy outside and the rain destroys it, that is a natural consequence. If your child chooses to ride their bike without a helmet, taking away the bike for the day is a logical consequence,” says Turner. Both consequence types help show your child that certain actions have different consequences.  3. Instill Resilience and Teach Problem-Solving Skills Allow your child to face problems head-on, but also be there to help brainstorm good decisions and solutions when they need it. Problems, set-backs and mistakes are some of life’s greatest teachers. Going through tough circumstances as a child is an opportunity to learn and grow emotionally, building emotional intelligence, while being guided through it by mentally strong adults. “Ultimately, help your child come up with choices that are appropriate and let them determine what to do,” notes Turner. Doing this will help them get past mental barriers and build their problem-solving skills until they can master them over time. Facing problems is a part of life in the real world, and teaching our children the emotional skills to work through problems is one of the best ways to raise strong children. 4. Teach Your Child How To Identify Their Strong Emotions  Babies communicate by crying. It’s the only way they know how to get what they want. Hungry? Cry. Wet diaper? Cry. Want mom? Cry. So as your child begins to grow, it’s only natural that they will still rely on the communication skill of crying to get their needs met, until they learn differently. But often with toddlers and older children, crying can turn into frustration, anger, throwing objects and hitting. “Typically, anger is something that builds and often something we can get in front of,” says Singer. “Our role is to try to catch the child before they become angry. Let them know you recognize they’re frustrated and practice some calming techniques which can include things like listening to calming music, making art, doing animal sounds or something physical.” It’s also important to experiment and practice calming techniques when your child is not frustrated. This will help them become confident in this skill when they need it, and contribute to raising a mentally strong child. 5. Teach Through Actions Encourage autonomy and personal responsibility by acting in ways you want your child to mirror. Turner says that “Responsibility is caught, not taught.” Children watch your every move. You can’t expect them to hang their coat up nicely in the closet if you leave yours on the floor.  Also, be sure that you are offering your child age-appropriate duties to be responsible. They need to practice this skill for their own personal growth and emotional development. Responsibility can be taught through kids’ chores, participating in sports teams, and helping them learn how to take small steps and stay consistent towards their own long-term goals. 6. Instruct Calming Strategies Teaching self-calming skills is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your child–especially if they have lots of anxiety. The most popular method? Teaching your child how to stop and take a deep breath during mental blocks. “I like to use the model of ‘smell the flower and blow out the candle.’ Do this at least 3 times or until the child is calm,” says Singer. Calming techniques are something your child will use for the rest of their life–teaching them when and how to use this skill will help set them up to be mentally strong. 7. Have Fun Together Spending time with your little ones will do wonders for their mental health. It’s important that parents spend at least 30 minutes each week with their child doing something their child chooses. “During that 30 minutes, the parent gives their full,

Are Essential Oils Safe for Babies? A Doctor’s Perspective

Figuring out what’s safe or not safe for your baby isn’t always easy—especially when you get conflicting advice from other mothers. In the case of essential oils and babies, this happens a lot. The importance of getting medical advice, in this case, cannot be overstated, as those without expertise in baby care may have differing opinions. So, are essential oils safe for babies?  Here’s what Dr. Walker Foland, DO, has to say. Are Essential Oils Safe for Babies? Yes and no. “It is generally recommended to avoid using essential oils on babies younger than three months old,” states Dr. Foland, DO, a board-certified doctor of osteopathic medicine in Saginaw, Michigan. It’s commonly understood that a baby’s skin is more delicate and sensitive than that of an adult. In the first 3 months of life—and even in older infants—the skin is still developing and is extremely thin. The skin barrier is not fully established yet, which is why most healthcare professionals suggest waiting until after 3 months to introduce any essential oils to young children. And even after this initial period, it’s wise to consult with your pediatrician before integrating essential oil use into your baby’s care regimen, focusing on essential oil safety. Side Effects of Using Essential Oils When considering the use of essential oils around younger children, it’s crucial to be aware of potential adverse reactions. For instance, citrus oils can be phototoxic, meaning they can cause the skin to become overly sensitive to direct sunlight, leading to irritation or burns. Similarly, while lavender essential oil is often touted for its calming properties, it should be used with caution. A small amount diluted properly is key to preventing any adverse reactions. Dilution ratios are particularly important when it comes to essential oil safety for babies and young children. Their delicate skin can easily absorb the concentrated compounds in essential oils, which might lead to difficulty breathing or other systemic responses if used undiluted or in excessive quantities. In summary, while certain essential oils can be safe for use around children when properly diluted and applied, it’s essential to proceed with caution, adhere to recommended dilution ratios, and always consult with a healthcare professional to ensure the safety and well-being of your little ones. Benefits of Essential Oils for Babies There are plenty of claims online about the powers of essential oils. And yes, even using pure essential oils with little ones has some real benefits, but what are they? Dr. Taz Bhatia, MD, shares some benefits for moms on the official CedarSpringMD patient blog.  Essential oils can help with issues such as: How To Use Essential Oils on Your Baby Once your baby is over 3 months old and you’ve discussed adding essential oils to their routine with your pediatrician, now you can get started. But how? Topical and diffusion are the most common and safe ways to use essential oils with babies. We’ll take a dive into each method. Spot testing Because babies are extra sensitive, it’s critical to perform a patch test before fully using essential oils. Instead of lathering a handful of essential oil mixture all over your child, you want to start with a small 1-inch square area on their skin first to see how he or she reacts. After you apply this spot test, do not wipe or wash any of the mixture off. Wait at least 24 hours and stop further use if you notice any negative side effects like redness, swelling, or a rash. Topical The topical application method involves diluting essential oils with carrier oil and applying it on your baby’s skin. “This should be done sparingly and in a diluted form, as their skin is sensitive,” notes Foland. Using essential oils topically helps with better absorption so your baby can receive all the benefits of the oil. Topical dilution rate recommendation: Undiluted oils are not safe for babies. Essential oils should always be diluted. “A general guideline for dilution is to use 1-2 drops of essential oil per 1 ounce (30 ml) of carrier oil,” says Foland. Some great topical carrier oil options include coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, or jojoba oil.  Diffusing When you diffuse essential oils, it’s done using a diffuser that uses water to disperse the oil into the air. Fill your diffuser up with water and add 1-2 drops of essential oil. Diffusing essential oils is a great way to set an atmosphere–whether it’s for calming or relief. Safe Essential Oils for Babies It’s important to only use safe and gentle baby essential oils with your little one. Essential oils can be beneficial to you and your baby, but it’s critical to know which ones are safe first. Dr. Foland suggests using lavender, chamomile, mandarin, and dill for babies. Lavender oil Most commonly, lavender has been known to improve melatonin levels and support sleep. But it also helps with pain, mood, and colic symptoms. Lavender oil is a great option for babies who need a little extra help falling asleep.  How to use it: Chamomile oil Chamomile is an excellent gentle oil to use with your baby. It’s known to stimulate the immune system and provide a calming and ​​sedative effect. This is particularly great for helping reduce teething symptoms.  How to use it: Mandarin oil Mandarin is known for its calming and balancing properties. This essential oil is used to aid in soothing colic or calming down restless babies. Another plus? You’ll love its citrusy smell. How to use it: Dill oil Yep, you read that right. Dill isn’t just for pickles, it can help with digestive issues too! Babies can find indigestion relief from the dill essential oil. Constipation? Upset tummy? Dill is a mom’s secret tool. How to use it: Essential Oil for Babies FAQ 1. Can you use essential oils on a newborn? No, you should not use any essential oils on a newborn. You need to wait until your baby is at least 3 months old before you can

how to work through mom guilt

Why The Term ‘Mom Guilt’ Is Utter B.S., and 7 Tips To Help You Cope

As a mother, it’s almost impossible to avoid feeling mom guilt sometimes. Whether you feel like you’re not spending enough time with your children or you’re questioning your parenting decisions, these guilty feelings can eat away at you and cause you to struggle with feelings of inadequacy.  It’s important to understand that mom guilt, while a common and normal feeling amongst mothers, is not necessary. In fact, shedding some of your guilt will likely enable you to show up more fully for your kids. Read on to discover seven coping strategies on how to work through mom guilt and move forward in a positive and healthy way. What is Mom Guilt?  Mom guilt is a feeling of anxiety, shame, and doubt that many mothers experience in response to the challenges and responsibilities of parenting. This can include feelings of guilt about working outside of the home, getting upset with your children, or in general struggling with motherhood more than you thought you would.  Guilt can have a big impact on your mental health and well-being, leading to problems with sleep, low self-esteem, and other depressive symptoms. If you’re experiencing some of these issues, you’re not alone—according to an Urban Institute study conducted in 2019, about 4.9 million mothers reported symptoms of moderate or severe anxiety and roughly 1.7 million mothers reported symptoms of moderate or severe depression.  Dads can experience parenting related guilt, too, but it’s not as severe. This could be because of societal expectations placed on moms to be children’s primary caregiver and to handle the bulk of household responsibilities.  The mom guilt inner critic can be triggered by a host of factors. Sometimes it comes in the form of judgmental comments from other people. Other times you may feel a wave of shame as you look at highlight reels other moms have shared on social media and compare yourself to them. And even when it feels like your mom-guilt voice comes out of nowhere, that’s not necessarily true—there’s a lot of societal pressure on moms to be perfect and to handle everything with a smile, and that pressure is probably influencing the way you talk to yourself.  How To Work Through Mom Guilt 1. Practice Mindfulness and Self-Compassion The first step in addressing your mom guilt is to simply be mindful that it’s there. Notice when your inner voice starts berating you for a mistake or running through a list of the “right thing” you should be doing better. Try to witness this voice as an objective observer, not giving it too much weight or immediately believing everything it has to say. Just take note that it’s happening, perhaps bringing awareness to your breath as well, to get you out of your head and ground you in your body.  Next, try to offer yourself some self-compassion. This means treating yourself with the same kindness, concern, and support that you would offer to a dear friend. When you find yourself struggling with negative self-talk or feelings of guilt, follow those thoughts and emotions up with some gentle, loving reminders. Remind yourself that it’s okay to make mistakes, and that you’re doing the best you can with the resources and energy you have available. By treating yourself with compassion, you’ll be better equipped for moving forward with a sense of calm and confidence. 2. Challenge Your Thoughts Once you’ve started to bring awareness to your mom guilt and offer yourself some compassion, it’s time to reframe your thoughts. Some thoughts that accompany your mom guilt might point to concrete things you really would like to change about your parenting approach. But a lot of the time, they’re thoughts not based on your own true feelings and desires, but on expectations and cultural scripts you have internalized about what motherhood is supposed to look like. Take some time to practice self-inquiry—questioning your assumptions and beliefs about motherhood and asking yourself whether they are truly serving you and your unique family. For example, if you think you don’t spend enough time with your children, take some time to investigate where that thought comes from. Do you genuinely wish you could spend more time with them and want to explore how you can make that happen? Or is this just something you feel like you should do because of an externally imposed expectation placed on you by other people or the wider world?  By challenging your thoughts and beliefs in this way, you can gain a greater sense of clarity and perspective, and approach motherhood with a more positive, empowered mindset. And remember, it’s possible to identify things you’d like to change about your parenting and take steps to get there, without guilt—in fact, guilt usually hinders the process.  3. Monitor Your Social Media Usage Social media has become a big part of our daily lives for many of us. While it can be a valuable tool for staying connected with loved ones and learning new things, it can also contribute to feelings of mom guilt and inadequacy in sneaky ways you might not even realize. Comparing yourself to the highlight reels of other moms can be a recipe for low self-esteem and stress, which is why it might make you feel better to reduce your time on social media.  One way to meaningfully monitor your time on social media is to set specific boundaries for yourself, like checking it only at a certain time of the day or setting a limit on how much time you’ll spend on it. Another strategy is to be mindful of the accounts you follow and how they make you feel. If certain accounts are triggering feelings of inadequacy or comparison, consider unfollowing them. You don’t need to subject yourself to content that makes you feel bad about yourself or your parenting journey, and you will likely feel a lot freer when you stop consuming it. It’s important to remember that social media is not a true reflection of reality. People typically only post the

20 Affordable Maternity Dresses for Your Baby Shower in 2024

Finding the perfect baby shower dress doesn’t have to be expensive. With so many affordable options available, you can find something that fits your budget and style for a reasonable price. Thank goodness. Stop Googling “affordable maternity dresses for baby showers.” We’ve spent hours hunting for baby shower dresses that have affordable prices yet are still photo-shoot-worthy with great quality.   Even if you have your own personal mom style, there’s something for you in this roundup. Skip the hectic department stores—let’s start shopping in the right places with these online retailers! Mom Outfit Ideas for Baby Shower: Shop by Price $20 and Under SHEIN Solid Cami Dress, $15.49 Pregnancy doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style. Stay comfy and look cute in this affordable maternity dress option from SHEIN. Choosing a dress with stretchy material is the perfect way to show off your bump while staying comfy—yes, you can have the best of both worlds. Make a statement at your baby shower with this chic maxi dress that comes in many different colors without dropping tons of cash. Why we love it Online rating: 4.8/5 Shop now Walmart Faux Wrap Polka Dot Dress with Ruffles, $16.95 Walmart can be a great place for finding affordable maternity clothes. Get ready to look as cute as a polka dot in this perfect maternity dress that’s perfect for spring or summer. Showing off your feminine side is easy in this ruffle high-low design. It even has an adjustable belt so you can loosen it after eating a whole plate of appetizers (you do you mama).  Why we love it Online rating: 4.5/5 Shop now SHEIN Floral Print Puff Sleeve Dress, $17.49 Get ready for plenty of compliments. Not only does this dress have that classic floral print, but it also has a high waist for showing off your bump. We also love its puffy sleeves and spicy thigh slit. And it’s under $20?! This low price is unbeatable and it gets better: you get free shipping if you spend over $100.  Why we love it Online rating: 5/5 Shop now Walmart Round Neck Ruffled Midi Dress, $18.95 This gorgeous midi dress screams baby shower. It has an easy-to-wear fit, with a stretchy, soft material that flatters your bump. This baby shower dress checks all the boxes: beautiful, comfortable, and classy—a must for your maternity wardrobe. Ready to be showered with compliments for your big day? Why we love it Online rating: 4/5 Shop now Amazon Sleeveless Ruched Dress, $19.99 Amazon really is one of the best places to shop for mom. This affordable baby shower dress is made with lightweight and breathable fabric that’s soft to the touch and flattering for any bump. The ruched details on the sides even mix it up a bit. Dress it up or down, you can’t go wrong with this look! Why we love it Online rating: 4.5/5 Shop now $30 and Under Amazon Ruffled One-Shoulder Dress, $24.99 Can a maternity dress be more perfect? This is one of the best maternity dresses in our opinion. It’s designed to be stretchable and fit tight to the body while keeping you comfortable all day long. With its beautiful ruffled off-the-shoulder design, you’re sure to look fab at your baby shower. Why we love it Online rating: 4.3/5 Shop now Momyknows Ruffled Off-the-Shoulder Mermaid Midi Dress, $25.04 Ready to make a splash at your baby shower? This mermaid-style bodycon dress is an elegant and affordable option. We’re going to file this one away as one of the more formal dresses. Its beautiful tiffany-blue color and off-the-shoulder ruffle design are a stunning pair. You are sure to make a statement at your event! Why we love it Online rating: 5/5 Shop now Walmart Floral Print Chiffon Long Sleeve Dress, $20.98 Not a fan of form-fitting outfits? This maternity dress is for you mama. Its easy-to-wear design makes it effortless to pull on and off – something that’s definitely needed when you’re in the 3rd trimester. With its long sleeves, flowy style and stunning floral pattern, you’ll be the talk of the baby shower. Why we love it Online rating: 4/5 Shop now Zulily Vintage Purple Wrap Dress, $29.99 Bump up your style game – this maternity dress is the perfect balance of cute and comfy. You can literally feel its softness through the screen. Plus, everyone loves an adjustable tie-waist, especially for that perfect bump fit. This flowy and oh-so-soft dress is sure to keep you looking your best and feeling your comfiest during the shower. Why we love it Online rating: 4/5 Shop now Amazon Short Sleeve Long Maternity Dress, $29.99 This dress comes in so many colors and patterns, your options are almost endless! She’s slit, stretchy, functional, comfy, and overall a true classic. The flattering cut really shows off your curves and baby bump–something that’s perfect for your baby shower photos. Turn heads with this must-have maternity dress! Why we love it Online rating: 4.6/5 Shop now $40 and Under Boohoo Bandeau Midaxi Dress, $32 Baby shower or not, this dress is perfect for any special occasion when celebrating the bump. Its ultra-stretchy and comfortable fabric will have you looking your best and feeling even better! Plus, it’s made with responsibly sourced materials, helping to protect our world’s forests. Cute, comfortable, affordable, and eco-friendly? *Adds to cart* Why we love it Online rating: n/a Shop now Amazon Floral Print Square Neck Puff Sleeve Dress, $38.99 This affordable Amazon dress is the perfect pick for your baby shower. With its homey-style puff sleeves, boho print, and flowy maxi length, this dress will flatter the bump and make you look & feel beautiful by simply just slipping it on.  Why we love it Online rating: 4.1/5 Shop now Momyknows Off-the-Shoulder Backless Dress, $39.73 A classic white maternity dress goes with any baby shower theme, try and prove us wrong! Dress it up with heels, or dress it down with cowgirl boots, you can go either way – let