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11 Sustainable Home Decor Pieces For Creating An Eco-Friendly Home In 2024

Decorating your home can be a fun and creative process, but it can also be incredibly overwhelming. There are lots of different things to consider: your budget, your taste and preferences, and your vision for how the whole home will come together. On top of all this, there’s the question of how to find eco-friendly items–things that will last a long time, keep harmful chemicals out of your house, and are made using materials and processes that minimize harmful environmental impacts, which can be difficult if you live in the United States(that’s a topic for another day). Shopping for sustainable products doesn’t have to be complicated; you just need to know what to look for. That’s why we’ve rounded up a list of 11 sustainable home decor pieces to get you started. Linked throughout, you’ll find many sustainable home decor brands committed to using high-quality, natural materials and ethical sourcing and production. Organic cotton bedding embodies the essence of sustainable comfort, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to create an eco-friendly haven within their homes. Unlike conventional cotton, which is cultivated with heavy pesticide and chemical usage, organic cotton is grown without synthetic fertilizers and harmful pesticides. This cultivation process reduces the environmental impact and promotes soil health, making it a responsible choice for conscious consumers. Choosing organic cotton bedding benefits the planet and contributes to a healthier indoor environment. The absence of chemical residues in the fabric means that you’re enveloping yourself in a naturally pure and hypoallergenic material. This is particularly helpful if you have sensitive skin or allergies, as the bedding is free from harsh substances that might trigger flare-ups. Beyond its sustainable and health-conscious attributes, organic cotton bedding also offers exceptional comfort. The fabric tends to be softer and more breathable than its conventionally grown counterpart, ensuring a restful night’s sleep. Its durability ensures that your investment in these sheets, pillowcases, and duvet covers will stand the test of time, reducing the need for frequent replacements and, in turn, lessening your overall environmental footprint. A hemp area rug is a distinctive and environmentally conscious home decor piece that will make your living area stand out. Crafted from hemp plant fibers, this rug offers a unique texture that blends seamlessly with various interior styles while positively impacting the environment. Hemp, a rapidly renewable resource, requires minimal water and pesticides to grow, reducing its ecological footprint compared to conventional rug materials. By opting for a hemp area rug, you’re actively supporting a more sustainable approach to production, which ultimately contributes to the preservation of our planet’s resources. Plus, one of the standout qualities of hemp rugs is their durability. The fibers are inherently sturdy and resistant to wear, making them an excellent long-term investment. The rug’s longevity means fewer replacements, reducing waste and consumption over time. Hemp rugs also boast natural hypoallergenic properties, making them healthier for your home environment. These rugs don’t trap dust or allergens as readily as other materials might, promoting better air quality and comfort, particularly for those with sensitivities. Upcycled fabric throw pillows (or even throw blankets) are one of the best options for a creative and environmentally responsible way to adorn your living spaces. These pillows are a testament to the beauty of repurposing and sustainability, as they are crafted from discarded or surplus fabrics that would otherwise contribute to landfill waste. You can spend an afternoon crafting and making your own or browse Etsy for one-of-a-kind pillows made by talented artists, often featuring various colors, patterns, and textures that blend seamlessly into various decor themes. By choosing upcycled fabric throw pillows, you’re embracing a unique and eclectic aesthetic while actively reducing the demand for new raw materials and energy-intensive production processes. Each unique pillow becomes a conversation piece, reflecting a conscious choice to divert textiles from the waste stream and give them a new life. You not only elevate your interior style but also contribute to a circular economy where nothing goes to waste!   Bamboo wall art is the epitome of beauty created from natural materials, making it a compelling decorative choice for those committed to creating an eco-friendly home. Bamboo, renowned for its rapid growth and renewability, is an ideal medium for artistic expression that harmonizes with environmental consciousness. The intricate patterns and textures captured in bamboo wall art evoke a sense of tranquility and connection with nature. Each piece showcases the unique characteristics of this resilient plant, inviting a touch of the outdoors into your living space while celebrating the aesthetic potential of sustainable materials. Best of all, you can feel good about your choice in art–you’re contributing to reducing deforestation and the carbon footprint, as bamboo cultivation requires significantly less land and resources compared to traditional wood sources.  Beyond this, bamboo’s strength and durability ensure that your wall art will maintain its integrity over time, granting you a lasting and meaningful decorative element. Bamboo’s elegance and versatility seamlessly complement a wide range of interior styles, from modern to rustic, adding a touch of sustainable sophistication to your surroundings and modern design. Soy candles offer your home some dreamy, ambient lighting via natural materials, and are a cleaner, greener alternative to traditional candles. They’re crafted from renewable soybean oil, a stark departure from paraffin candles derived from fossil fuels. This is because the cultivation of soybeans requires less intensive farming methods compared to petroleum-based alternatives, contributing to soil health and diminishing carbon emissions.  Soy candles also burn cleaner and longer than traditional paraffin candles, emitting fewer toxins and pollutants into the air. In addition to doing your part for the broader environment, you’ll contribute to better indoor air quality for your home. Soy candles come in a wide range of scents and aesthetic designs, allowing you to curate a soothing ambiance that aligns with your personal style and the interior design of your home. Every time you see their soft, warm glow, you’ll be reminded of your commitment to curating an eco-friendly home and life. 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Things To Keep In Mind When Designing Your 3 Year Olds Bedroom

Designing meaningful, fun-filled spaces for your children should be an enjoyable experience. However, that’s not to say it doesn’t come with some challenges. Curating a space that your child loves both now and in the future can be tough. That’s why our team is here to help.  Whether you’re a new parent or a mother of many, we’ve rounded up the best 3-year-old bedroom ideas on the web. Stay tuned to discover how to strike the perfect balance between practical and precious.  1. Prioritize Storage From their favorite books to their stuffed animal collection, children come with lots of baggage (both literal and hypothetical). Therefore, your toddler’s bedroom should have ample places to store all their favorite things. Invest in plenty of wall-hugging book rails, under-the-bed storage crates, and furniture with built-in storage compartments. Note that installing a second rail in your child’s closet is a super simple way to double your storage potential. We also recommend utilizing wall space by installing storage cubes and/or peg boards.  2. Create a Space Where They Can Escape Everyone needs a quiet space to retreat from the events of the day–even kids! Therefore, we recommend incorporating a reading nook or cozy corner into your child’s bedroom. Not only does this create an opportunity for them to get some alone time, but it encourages your little one to cozy up with one of their favorite books.  3. Keep It Simple As moms, we often want to give our children the world. But sometimes, less is more! By keeping the decor simple and the furnishings to a minimum, we free up space for our child’s imagination. Not only that, but simple decor offers a neutral canvas that grows alongside your child.  Instead of overcrowding the space with furniture, encourage playtime by providing plenty of open floor space. And installing open shelving will grant them easy access to their favorite toys and playthings.  (Note that simplicity is especially important in a shared bedroom, as double the kids mean double the stuff.) 4. Play Around with Color There’s no denying that kids love color. However, choosing the right palate can be tricky. Your child might love hot pink one year and lime green the next, and it’s a hassle to repaint year after year. Rather than painting the walls, stock up on brightly colored accessories instead (and revamp them every few years).  5. Invest in a Kid-Friendly Bed Frame Investing in a kid-friendly bed frame eases the transition from a nursery crib to a toddler bed. Personally? We adore the whimsical, house-frame-style beds. And because many of them are low-profile, toddlers are free to roam with ease.  6. Emphasize Play Want to make your child’s dream room a reality? Focus on the thing they love most–play! Think outside the box and fill your child’s bedroom with a ball pit, indoor swing, chalkboard wall, bunk bed slides, train set, or bean bags. Not only do these encourage imagination and creativity, but they’ll help your little one use up all that pre-bedtime energy.  7. Combine Texture and Pattern It’s very normal for a child’s room to feel busy. However, carefully combining textures and patterns is key to making that busyness feel intentional and playful. For an eclectic design, mix and match several similar patterns within the space. Opt for prints that all incorporate either small, intricate patterns or large, abstract designs.  8. Opt for a High Sleeper Investing in a high sleeper is a great way to make the most of a small space. As parents, you probably already know that floor space is precious in your little girl’s or boy’s room. And lifting their bed off the ground is an ideal way to create more of it. Not only does your child get to catch sweet dreams closer to the stars, but the sacred space beneath their bed becomes the building zone for Lego trains and fairy kingdoms. (Plus, it easily transforms into a functional desk area as they get older.) 9. Paint Floorboards a Similar Color to the Walls  Want to avoid a small room from feeling cluttered and claustrophobic? Consider painting the floorboards a similar color to the walls. Not only does this cultivate a whimsical, fun-filled environment, but it creates the illusion of expanse and openness.  10. Invest in Multi-Functional Furniture Investing in multi-functional furniture is a fantastic way to make the most of your toddler bedroom. A perfect example would be installing a small desk that doubles as a bedtime table. Or, select a nursing chair that will eventually become your child’s go-to reading spot.  11. Let the Great Outdoors Inspire You If your child is the adventurous type, try incorporating natural elements into the room decor. Whether that be safari-themed wallpaper, a swing, or a small rock-climbing wall, cultivating spaces inspired by the great outdoors is a great way to encourage play.  12. Try a Statement Ceiling Want to experiment with wallpaper? But aren’t ready to fully commit? Try a statement ceiling. Not only does this create a dramatic, playful touch, but it gives your children something to gaze at while falling asleep. For a cohesive design, opt for a pattern that matches (or at least complements) their bedspread.  13. Use an Area Rug A bright area rug anchors the space and adds a soft texture for tiny toes. Additionally, rugs soften both the acoustics and the aesthetics of the room. Of course, select one that’s forgiving of felt-tip pen marks and other inevitable stains. 14. Experiment with Blackboard Paint Giving a room a fresh coat of paint is an easy way to redecorate without breaking the bank. And using blackboard paint makes your 3-year-old’s bedroom both fun and practical. Not only does it get your child’s creative juices flowing, but it will be a convenient way to write chores or homework assignments as they get older.  15. Frame Artwork and Pictures with Tape Instead of spending a fortune on frames, why not outline your child’s artwork and baby photos with washi tape?

The Mom’s Guide To Growing Your Own Garden

Whether you’re aiming to boost your home’s curb appeal, exercise your creativity, or simply live a healthier life, starting a garden from scratch is the ideal solution. According to Heather Rhode of Gardening Know How, “the act of nurturing plants in your backyard is good for the mind and also good for the body.”  Scientific studies confirm that gardening improves mental health by reducing anxiety and depression. Additionally, it can help improve strength, balance, and dexterity, and sunlight exposure alone can help lower blood pressure.  But alas, many busy moms struggle to find the time to maintain their own garden. And that’s why we’ve put together this mom’s guide to gardening. Stay tuned for expert tips and tricks on starting a garden as a mom. (Plus, some Mother’s day gifts for the green-thumbed moms in your life.)  Moms Guide to Gardening: Tips & Tricks Interested in starting an herb garden as a busy mom? Here are some expert tips that will help you do just that:  1. Involve the Kids Kids love helping. And when it comes to gardening, there are seemingly endless ways to do so. Invest in tiny shovels, rakes, and gardening gloves, then assign your children age-appropriate tasks. Not only does weeding an entire flowerbed become significantly easier with helping hands, but most children thoroughly enjoy digging around in the dirt.  2. Choose the Right Plants Green thumb or not, choosing the right plants is key to a thriving garden. According to Kerry Meyer of Proven Winners, you want to begin by evaluating the conditions of your local environment. Here are some questions she recommends asking yourself:  After considering your environment, Meyer tells us to think about the actual spot where you plan on gardening: From there, you’ll need to find the right plants for your garden’s location. Here are some considerations: 3. Choose the Right Location Ideally, a sunny spot! Most vegetables need at least six hours of sunlight per day. And while spinach and lettuce do well in partially sunny spots, sun-loving plants like tomatoes and peppers need as much light as possible.  Additionally, we recommend setting up your container garden near your house, as this makes it easier to tend your plot regularly. (It also makes running outside and grabbing dinner ingredients a breeze.)  4. Grow Things Your Family Likes to Eat Gardening is way more fun when you enjoy the fruits of your labor (literally). Therefore, grow fruits and vegetables that are already a part of your family’s produce rotation. We recommend asking your children what vegetables they would like to harvest and designate them their own personal row in your garden. Not only will it help your kids foster healthy food habits, but they’ll quickly discover that vegetables taste better when they’ve grown them themselves.  5. Plant During the Right Time of Year The best time of year to plant or harvest your garden depends on the type of plants you’re growing. Generally, March or April—when the soil begins to warm and the anticipation for summer is brimming—are the best months to sow hardy vegetable seeds.  Gardening Mothers Gift Ideas (and Must-Haves!) Looking for gifts for mothers with green thumbs? Try these:  Harvest Basket A large harvesting basket is an essential tool for any gardening mom, as it allows her to transport large quantities of produce at once. Additionally, most of the baskets have mesh at the bottom, which makes rinsing vegetables incredibly easy.  A Proper Pair of Pruners Every gardening mom needs a proper pair of pruners, as they make life significantly easier. Pruners are fantastic for harvesting vegetables and cutting dead branches. They’re also great for pruning/propagating indoor plants and flowers.  Seeds, Plants, Flowers, and Fresh Herbs Some of our favorite gardening gift ideas include fresh herbs, flowers, plants, seeds, or a garden sprout. All the gardeners we know love receiving unique types of seeds and flowers, and we’re confident the gardening mom in your life is no different.  Gardening Gloves (for Both Moms and Kids) Buying matching gloves for moms and their kids is a great way to get the entire family involved in the gardening process. Because there are so many options to choose from, you’re guaranteed to find something suitable for everyone.  A Sturdy Sun Hat Gardening means spending long days basking in the sun. And that makes a sturdy sun hat an essential gardening tool. Because they have straight brims, sun hats block the sun without impairing someone’s sight line. Throughout her summer adventures, mom will likely keep wearing hers. Mom’s Guide to Gardening  If you’re a busy mom who is interested in growing her own garden, we hope this mom’s guide to gardening pointed you in the right direction. While caring and maintaining a garden might seem daunting, rest assured that it’s a fruitful activity (pun intended) your whole family can enjoy together.

Inspiring Bohemian Kitchen Decor for the Modern Mom

Boho-inspired spaces embody a free-spirited aesthetic that blends various elements of culture and artistic expression into a single, eclectic style. Unlike traditional kitchens with modern amenities and sleek finishes, bohemian decor reflects natural materials and often showcases trinkets and ornamental pieces collected while traveling. This creates a uniquely boho look that transforms any kitchen space into a gorgeous bohemian kitchen. Want to incorporate some bohemian flair into your kitchen design? Here’s a look at what Boho style is all about. What is Bohemian Decor?  Before we delve into the specifics of boho kitchen decor, let’s clarify the bohemian design style. Emerging in 19th-century Paris, the boho aesthetic was inspired by artists, writers, performers, and nomads who believed that creativity was more valuable than money. And by converging their respective cultures, these creatives forged what would soon become an incredibly popular interior design trend. Bohemian-inspired rooms are notorious for their lack of structure. Instead, they opt for ‘carefree’ layers of texture, bold colors, and patterns. While there are some commonalities amongst bohemian-styled abodes, you won’t find a rigid set of design rules like those of modern or minimalist styles. Instead, the bohemian design beautifully rests atop a foundation of authenticity and relaxation. Simply put: boho kitchen decor serves no agenda other than one’s own enjoyment. Your Guide to Boho Kitchen Decor Now that we’ve covered what bohemian style is, how do you implement it? If you need some bohemian kitchen decor inspo, here are ten inspiring ideas:  1. Use Reclaimed Wood (And Other Natural Materials) Bohemian kitchens prioritize materials that create a warm and welcoming environment. Therefore, avoid excessive use of metal and glass, as this can sometimes cultivate a clinical or overly modern feel. Instead, pull from natural elements. Rely heavily on large expanses of wood, and use reclaimed wooden shelving to house your earthenware, mug collection, teapots, family photos, potted plants, and vases. Note that you can avoid creating an overwhelming ‘wall’ of wood by balancing out the room’s other finishes. (Think: pale walls, simple handles, antique backsplashes, etc.) 2. Blend the Old and New Is your kitchen stocked with modern appliances and a marble countertop? Embrace it! Boho-style kitchens seamlessly blend the old and the new. And you can easily tone down your modern fixtures with vintage lighting, open shelving, and wooden cabinetry. By balancing interesting layers (that are not too carefully curated), you’ll be able to create a timeless space that inspires eclecticism.  3. Mix and Match Patterns A mishmash of vibrant colors, bold finishes, and eye-catching patterns cultivates a visually engaging, eclectic ambiance (aka bohemian at its finest). To do so seamlessly, interweave several texture patterns within a single color palette. You could also experiment with complimentary colors (which are ones that fall opposite one another on the color wheel). Our favorite combinations include: Another way to blend patterns like a bohemian is to start with a staple piece and work around that. If you have a vintage Persian rug, for example, choose pieces that complement its existing color scheme.  4. Opt for Open Shelving  If you desire boho kitchen decor, replace your traditional, fixed-wall cabinetry with open shelving, as this creates a brighter, more characteristic space. Not only is open shelving enormously functional, but it’s an ideal way to showcase your beloved trinkets and decorative features. And displaying plants and aromatic herbs amongst vintage glassware is an easy way to cultivate that earthy, naturally bohemian feel.  5. Select Bright Colors in Light Spaces Boho kitchen decor thrives on warm, bright colors and natural light. And if you’re unsure how to incorporate those into your kitchen design? Opt for a vibrant kitchen island that contrasts with your cabinetry. Or consider painting the floors a quirky checkerboard pattern. If possible, invest in volume ceilings with skylights and plenty of windows, as natural lighting is the best way to accentuate bright colors.  6. Add Plenty of Greenery As we mentioned, bohemian kitchen inspiration comes from the natural world. That means plants of all kinds should be welcomed in your kitchen. And not only does greenery offer an earthy, organic, and informal look that accentuates boho kitchen decor, but many indoor plants are also air purifiers. Note that moderate to high-humidity-loving plants will thrive in your kitchen.  7. Maximize Small(er) Spaces If your kitchen is on the smaller side, maximalism is a phenomenal way to cultivate that cozy, bohemian flair. Decorate your open shelving with plant life, artwork, vintage glassware, and homemade objects. Additionally, consider creating a gallery wall of paintings, sconces, ceramics, hanging pots, and photographs that you’ve collected from your travels.  8. Don’t Forget to Incorporate Softer Elements As we mentioned, bohemian kitchen decor is all about seamlessly blending differing elements. Therefore, it’s important to contrast your wooden shelving and industrial accent pieces with softer elements (like woven baskets and pillow-laden breakfast nooks).  9. Rely on Ambient Lighting Candles, table lamps, and lanterns offer that warm, ambient lighting that is characteristic of boho kitchen decor. (And we recommend scattering taper and votive candles just about anywhere you can fit them.) Additionally, boho lighting also includes flashy vintage chandeliers that are sourced abroad–just make sure to balance them with warmer, neutral room decor.  10. Celebrate Global Influences Boho kitchens aren’t merely dishing out global cuisine, but they celebrate culture on every inch of wall space. Many of you already know that Cambodian Ikat and Persian area rugs are widely used in Bohemian decor. (Consider layering rugs for even more visual interest.) Additionally, bohemians will decorate their shelving and walls with beloved art pieces and global trinkets that they’ve collected (and cherished!) throughout the years.  The Final Word on Boho Kitchen Decor Would you like to give your kitchen a bohemian touch? We hope that today’s article offered a bit of inspiration. Because bohemian decor is free-spirited by nature, rest assured that there is no right (or wrong) way to do it. Implementing boho kitchen decor is all about cultivating a space that brings you joy–so determine which

summer cleanup your home

The Ultimate Summer Cleaning Checklist For Moms 

As temperatures soar during the summer months, you and your family are likely to be busy with swimming, sunbathing, vacationing, hosting guests, and more. But before you embark on your exciting summer adventures, it’s essential to ensure your home is a haven of cleanliness and comfort. You’ve probably heard of spring cleaning, but giving your home some attention during the summer season is equally valuable, so let’s Summer cleanup your home! Plus, anticipating some of the cleaning challenges you might run into during the warmer months can save you some big headaches down the road. It can be overwhelming to know where to start, which is why we created the ultimate summer cleaning guide to help you embrace the vibrant energy of the season. From freshening up your living spaces to preparing your outdoor oasis, we’ve got you covered with a comprehensive list of summer cleaning tips to make your home sparkle like the summer sun.  Summer Cleanup Your Home Check-List Let’s Summer cleanup your home! With this list of to-do’s, you don’t need to feel overwhelmed anymore. 1. Declutter Clutter can accumulate throughout the year, making spaces feel cramped and stifling, and decluttering is a great seasonal cleaning practice to implement. As you bring your warmer weather clothes and summer gear out of storage, take some time to systematically go through everything and set aside things you no longer use or like. With each item, ask yourself, “Do I really need this? Does it bring me joy or serve a practical purpose?”  The warmer weather offers the perfect opportunity to hold a garage sale, where you can let go of possessions that are still in good condition but no longer needed. Not only will you clear out space in your house and allow others to find joy in your things, but you’ll also make some extra cash. There’s a reason decluttering is first on our “Summer cleanup your home” checklist. As you declutter each space, you’ll likely find that the atmosphere in your home transforms. With the excess gone, you’ll feel a sense of lightness and ease, allowing for better airflow and improved energy flow throughout the house. Plus, a decluttered space makes it easier to clean and maintain, giving you more time to enjoy the season’s activities. 2. Organize and clean summer gear Summertime often comes along with a host of exciting adventures and outdoor activities. From beach days to camping trips, having well-organized and clean summer gear is essential for a hassle-free experience Start by gathering all your beach towels and giving them a thorough wash. Use a gentle detergent and add a splash of white vinegar to remove any sand or stubborn residues that may have accumulated during previous beach outings. Once clean, ensure they are completely dry before neatly folding and organizing them in a designated spot in the laundry room for easy access. Wrangle all your other beach accessories, like goggles, beach chairs, and umbrellas, and keep them organized nearby. If you have other summertime equipment, like camping gear, take the time to sort through these things as well. Check for any damage and make a list of items that need to be replaced or repaired. Clean your sleeping bags following the manufacturer’s instructions or take them to a professional cleaner if necessary. Ensure all your camping gear is stored together in a dedicated space, so you won’t have to scramble to find what you need when the call of the great outdoors comes knocking. 3. Clean air conditioning units and/or fans As the summer heat intensifies, our reliance on air conditioning units and fans increases to stay comfortable indoors. To ensure optimal performance and to keep your living spaces cool and refreshing, it’s essential to clean and maintain these cooling systems regularly. Begin by turning off the power to your air conditioning unit. Remove and clean or replace the air filters, as clogged filters can reduce airflow and lead to inefficient cooling. Dust and debris can accumulate on the condenser coils over time, hindering the unit’s ability to cool effectively. Using a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment, gently clean the coils to remove any buildup. Additionally, clear the area around the outdoor unit to ensure proper airflow. For ceiling fans, use a damp cloth to wipe down the blades and motor housing, removing any accumulated dust. Stand fans and table fans can gather dust as well, so be sure to clean the grilles and blades thoroughly. If your fan has a removable grill, take it off and wash it with mild soap and water. Make sure the fan is completely dry before reassembling and turning it on. 4. Clean out the fridge It’s always a good idea to clean out your fridge, especially before you start filling it with lots of yummy summer produce and picnic leftovers. Start by removing all the items from the refrigerator, then check expiration dates and discard any spoiled or expired food items. Next, take out the removable shelves, drawers, and bins. Wash them with warm, soapy water, rinsing thoroughly, and allowing them to air dry. Use a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar or a mild all-purpose cleaner to wipe down the interior of the fridge, including the walls and door seals. Pay special attention to any spills or sticky residue. As you place the food items back in the fridge, organize them in a way that maximizes space and keeps similar items together. Consider using clear containers or bins to group smaller items and make them easier to find. Embrace a fresh start this summer by keeping your fridge tidy and well-organized, making it a joy to reach for your favorite chilled treats to beat the scorching summer heat. 5. Clean the grill Summer is the season of outdoor gatherings and mouthwatering barbecues, and if you’re lucky enough to own a grill, it’s essential to give it a thorough cleaning. Over time, grime and residue can accumulate on the

4th of july activities for kids

Family-Friendly 4th of July Activities Your Kids Will Love

It’s hard to believe that America’s birthday is just around the corner since New Year’s feels like it was just… yesterday. And if you’re anything like us, you’ve probably begun drafting the itinerary, prepping the grill, stocking up on sparklers, and buying stars-and-striped bathing suits for the family. To ensure your holiday weekend is a success (for both parents and kids), we recommend adding this tried-and-true 4th of July activities for kids to your entertainment arsenal.  15 Fun 4th of July Activities for Kids From silly patriotic games to DIY crafts, our team has rounded up some fun 4th of July activities for kids (that parents also love). Keep scrolling for patriotic-inspired entertainment ideas for every type of family and kids of all ages.  1. Scavenger Hunt Putting together an Independence Day-themed scavenger hunt is a great way to keep the kids occupied all day long. This is a great activity because your kids can do it anywhere you’re at – home, the beach, a friend or family member’s house, kids can do this anywhere! Make it as extensive or simple as you’d like, checking off things like:  2. DIY Patriotic Wands We’ve never met a kid who didn’t love wands. Whether they’re pretending to be superheroes or fairies–there’s no better way to elevate your Independence Day festivities than with DIY wands. Simply wrap red and blue duct tape around a cardboard tube (like a paper towel roll) and tape strips of paper to one end. Bonus points if you make wands of different colors–preferably red, white, and blue.   3. Face Painting Face painting is a hallmark of summer holidays. (And not to mention, it’s one of the easiest ways to keep your kids entertained.) Have an artistic adult designate a face-painting table. Or, take turns painting fireworks, flags, and miniature Uncle Sam’s on your kids’ faces. 4. 4th of July Bingo If scavenger hunts aren’t really your thing, make Fourth of July celebration Bingo cards for the kids to play. Fill the rows with patriotic stickers or doodle fireworks, hamburgers, American flags, and the like. Because Bingo is an endless source of fun, your kids will be entertained for hours. And if they’re old enough, they won’t even need a facilitator. Even for little kids though, bingo is always a hit! 5. Patriotic Cake Pops Kids love their sweets. And preparing these sparkler cake pops is one of the best indoor activities you can do on July 4th. (Not to mention it’s one the whole family will love.) This recipe from Best Friends for Frosting is easy to follow and only requires a few common ingredients. Plus, your kids will have tons of fun helping you decorate them. 6. Tie Dye Shirts Tie-dying is an easy, hands-on activity for kids and even younger children can do it. Grab some red and blue colors and let your kids dye old t-shirts, socks, and hoodies. Note that if you tie dye on July 3rd, they can wear their patriotic garb on the Fourth.  7. Watch Local Fireworks Checking out the local fireworks scene is one of our favorite family activities. Not only is cruising the neighborhood a fantastic source of quality time but watching awe-inspiring firework displays is an Independence Day must.  8. Have Fun with Sparklers Sparklers are a fun, relatively safe way to bring the fireworks displays up close. However, make sure your kids are old enough to use them responsibly. And of course, we wouldn’t recommend letting children of any age play with sparklers unsupervised.  9. Make S’Mores If your 4th of July plans consist of grilling out and soaking up the sunshine, making a bonfire is the perfect way to end the evening. Not only can you share campfire stories while watching the local fireworks shows, but s’mores are one of those essential bonfire rituals that the entire family loves.  10.  Water Sports If the long weekend prompted you to venture somewhere with water, playing water sports is a surefire way to keep the kids entertained. And while the exact sport depends on your circumstances (and kids’ ages), wakeboarding, tubing, Marco Polo, and pool basketball are always a hit.  11. Set Up a Sprinkler On the other hand, if your 4th of July festivities are more land-locked, we recommend setting up a sprinkler for the kids to run through. Not only will it keep them entertained for hours, but it’s an easy way to stay cool under that toasty July sunshine.  12. Water Balloons Water balloon fights are one of those essential summer activities. They’re entertaining, refreshing, and tiring – which is the perfect 4th of July combination. To help with clean-up, opt for eco-friendly, reusable water balloons. 13. Play Yard Games Both older and younger kids (and adults, let’s be honest) will enjoy a yard full of games. And from cornhole to frisbees to badminton, there are plenty of options to choose from. Select a few that your family enjoys and get ready to be entertained for hours.  14. Catch Lightning Bugs It’s hard not to be amazed by lightning bugs. Therefore, catching them is one of our favorite 4th of July activities for kids. Of course, remind your kids to be gentle when they do (and not to coop them up in jars).  15. Make Fireworks – in a Glass If your kids are afraid of fireworks, making them in a glass is a tremendous alternative and it gets bonus points for being a science experiment, too. All you need to do is grab a few essentials from your pantry and follow these steps:  Fun Ideas for 4th of July Activities for Kids Now you have all the inspiration for easy Fourth of July activities and your kids will give you all the credit when they have so much fun on the 4th! As a team of women and mothers, we understand that finding unique, family-friendly activities for summer holidays can be challenging.  If you’re interested in discovering more activity guides, shopping recommendations, or

home decorating for your zodiac sign

In a Creative Funk? Use Your Zodiac Sign To Redecorate Your Home

Whether you’re a homebody or hostess with the mostest, trying to find the perfect home decor style can be overwhelming. If your living space needs an update—and you aren’t quite sure where to start—referencing your zodiac sign is the first step. Home decorating for your zodiac sign is a great way to tune into yourself and set your space up for success. Our design style is largely impacted by our personalities (and for some of us, that means the stars). So, if you’re looking for a quirky way to style your abode, allow this overview of home decorating for your zodiac sign to be your guide:  Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) – Eclectic, yet Soothing  An Aquarius is known for being eclectic and quirky, and the ideal Aquarian home should reflect that! Opt for a modern design with lots of interesting focal points and contrasting elements–look for a striking statement piece of art or some brightly colored accent chairs. In addition, make sure there are plenty of furniture and rooms to entertain all the friends and family. Aquarius is a sun sign known for its calm nature and sensitivity. And while their homes are known for being trendy and eclectic, they should offset the modernity by making sure it’s incredibly cozy. As an Aquarian, you’re aiming to curate a truly unique space that still allows you an opportunity to hide away from your thoughts.  Pisces (February 19 to March 20) – Calming and Serene Pisces are lovingly regarded as old souls. They are the more spiritual of the zodiac, and their homes will reflect ample curvy patterns and natural materials. Pisces should aim to curate a zen-like, cozy space for themselves and their guests to enjoy. Opt for a free-flowing layout with relaxing nooks—complete with loungers and accent blankets—scattered throughout. Pisces is a water sign, and many would benefit from situating their house near some sort of body of water. (Of course, whether that means settling in on the seaside or installing an elegant backyard water feature is up to you.) Stick to a soft, ocean-esque color scheme emphasizing creams, whites, blues, and browns.  Aries (March 21 to April 19) – Bright and Bold Aries are high-energy fire signs, and their homes should feature vibrant, bold colors and patterns. (Think: red accent walls and dramatic furniture.) However, they are also highly intellectual and incredibly artistic. To balance this combination, fill those over-the-top bookshelves with interesting novellas, statement pieces of art, thought-provoking photographs, world travel souvenirs, and the like.  On a larger scale, Aries should ensure their home is equipped with plenty of rooms to keep their high-energy, rather rambunctious selves occupied. A rock climbing wall, designated yoga space, or elaborate home gym make terrific finishing touches.  Taurus (April 20 to May 20) – Elegantly Classic  Taurus homes strike the perfect balance of beauty and serenity. The elegant and sophisticated side of these earth signs will ensure their home is a well-appointed space where every detail counts. Many would benefit from showcasing the finer things in life.   Tauruses love to entertain, so their living room should effortlessly blend extravagance with comfort. A Taurus’ home should be their own private oasis where they can retreat from the stressors of the world. Lean into that earthy side with understated tones and nature-inspired, neutral colors.  Gemini (May 21 to June 20) – Traditional, yet Playful This adventurous air sign is vibrant, creative, and full of life. Geminis crave variety, which is why their homes should take a playful spin on tradition. Interesting color combinations and patterns will reign supreme. And blank-slate, contemporary-style homes will give them plenty of room to experiment.  Additionally, Geminis are social butterflies who love to entertain. Installing large glass panels and wide windows will open up the space, allowing energy—and guests—to flow effortlessly between rooms.  Cancer (June 21 to July 22) – Tranquil and Cozy Cancers are creative, romantic types, and they likely have a soft spot for tradition. Their walls should be decorated with treasured antiques and nostalgic trinkets. And because they’re in tune with their emotions, a Cancer’s home should showcase their favorite photographs and cherished memories.  Cancers are notorious for being homebodies. That’s why their humble abode should be nothing if not comfortable. Decorate with cozy accent blankets, mood lighting, elegant inviting coffee table style, and muted colors.  Leo (July 23 to August 22) – Vibrant Maximalism Leos want to be the center of attention, and their homes should be vibrant, bold, and dramatic. When it comes to decor, this fire sign will tell you that more is always better. Stock up on one-of-a-kind art pieces, elaborate pieces of furniture, and curtains with bold and dramatic patterns.  A Leo’s home reflects a myriad of influences–from bright colors to world travel destinations—and is full of natural light. As one of the creative signs, Leos are looking to create a stimulating home environment from which they can pull inspiration. And of course, their natural desire to impress means accumulating plenty of over-the-top features and dramatic focal points.   Virgo (August 23 to September 22) – Sleek and Stylish Virgos are known for being perfectionists. Therefore, they thrive in a minimalist, clutter-free environment where there is ample opportunity to tweak, clean, and spruce up. Because this earth sign isn’t necessarily looking to follow trends, clean lines and earthy, warm tones are ideal. Opt for furniture that’s as functional as it is appealing — like coffee tables that double as storage bins, for example — to maintain that sleek, clutter-free, perfect space.  Libra (September 23 to October 22) – Hip and Inviting Libras love to entertain, which means their cozy spaces must always be ready for hosting duty. Libras should incorporate lighter, pastel colors that are both inviting to guests and soothing to themselves, making for a zen-like space. And because they’re one of the more artistic of the signs, they’ll likely adorn their homes with glamour, beauty, and art. Invest in elegant, tasteful touches like airy window coverings and eye-catching

Closet Spring Cleaning Tips To Help You Declutter

Do your mornings often involve digging through a pile just to find an outfit, or do you notice a collection of barely-worn garments taking up space? Rest assured, you’re not alone. Embracing spring cleaning for your closet does more than just save time and alleviate stress; it’s an economical way to declutter your life, enhance your daily routine, and maximize your wardrobe’s potential. The idea of a comprehensive spring clean might seem daunting, but fear not—this blog will lead you through the most effective methods to achieve a streamlined closet. From the initial purge of unworn items to categorizing, introducing smart storage solutions, and maintaining a pristine space, we’re here to assist every step of the way Decluttering Your Closet The first step in organizing your closet is to assess what you have and declutter. When you let go of items that no longer serve you, you’ll create more space for the items you truly love and use. Here are some closet-cleaning tips to help you free up space. Set Aside Time to Take Out Everything The first step when it comes to cleaning out your closet is to schedule some dedicated time where you can organize without interruption. Having this specific block of time will help you stay focused and committed to the task and make it less likely that you’ll abandon your efforts.  When the day you’ve picked arrives, start by completely emptying your closet and taking out all clothes, accessories, shoes, and other items. This will allow you to see everything you have and make more informed decisions about what to keep and what to pass on. Sort Clothes to Determine What You’ll Keep Once you have everything out, sort your clothes and other items into categories: keep, donate, sell, and trash. The following tips will offer some guidance on how to decide what to keep and what to get rid of, but in general, err on the side of parting with something if you’re unsure. If you’re on the fence, chances are you won’t miss it and will appreciate the tradeoff of having more closet space. As for things you’re ready to let go of, assess their condition and how “on trend” it is in order to determine whether you’ll donate, sell, or throw them away. Consider also your capacity or desire to try to sell things, either through a consignment shop, online, or to friends. Some people find selling their old things to be a fun way to make some extra money, while others would rather keep it simple and donate everything they don’t want that’s still in good condition. Use the One-Year and Five-Year Rules One way to determine which items to let go of is to utilize the “one-year rule”. With this framework, you get rid of any clothing you haven’t worn at least once in the past year. It’s a good litmus test for assessing which clothes you actually wear and which sit unused in your closet. However, sometimes you have sentimental or special occasion pieces you don’t wear every year, but that you don’t want to part with and you anticipate wearing again in the future. In those cases, consider the “five-year rule”, where you let go of anything you haven’t worn in the past five years.  Get Rid of Clothes that Don’t Fit, Flatter, or Feel Like You Sometimes we keep clothes that don’t fit us or that we don’t feel good in, “just in case” this changes one day. Similarly, sometimes we purchase something because we thought it looked great on someone else, only to realize it doesn’t match our personal style or help us feel like ourselves when we wear it. Try your best to be honest with yourself when sorting through your clothes, and let go of the things that seem great in theory but are never quite right when you actually wear them. Consider a Capsule Wardrobe A capsule wardrobe is a minimalist approach to organizing and curating your clothing collection. It typically consists of a small, carefully curated selection of versatile and timeless clothing items that can be mixed and matched to create a wide variety of outfits. Some examples of what you might include in a capsule wardrobe include basics like a blazer, T-shirt, button-up shirt, solid colored dress, well-fitting pair of jeans, coat, and a versatile pair of shoes. Even if you don’t want to pare your closet down to a true capsule wardrobe, you can use the method as inspiration for downsizing your wardrobe and prioritizing having high-quality pieces that pair well with lots of other things. Organizing Your Closet Once you’ve decluttered your closet, it’s time to organize what’s left. Here are some practical tips for organizing your closet and creating a system that works for you. Do Some Seasonal Sorting Seasonal sorting is a great way to keep your closet organized. With this approach, you keep only the clothes that are appropriate for the current season in your closet and store off-season items in a separate space. Label the storage containers or trash bags of clothes to make it easy to identify which seasonal items are where when you need them.  Maximize Vertical Space If your closet is still feeling crowded even after you’ve cleared out some things, you can try to use the space more efficiently by maximizing vertical space. Install hooks or shelves on the inside of the closet door to hang accessories or shoes and use shelf dividers to stack items neatly and prevent them from toppling over.  Consider adding an additional rod for hanging shorter items like skirts or shirts underneath longer items like dresses or coats. You’ll feel so much better knowing everything has a place and isn’t smushed together! Group Items Methodically  Organizing your closet isn’t just about making it look nice. Ideally, a well-organized closet makes choosing an outfit or finding what you need an easy and quick process. To achieve this, organize your closet in a way that keeps your frequently